Our Simple Journey of Faith, Family and Life

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Sexual demons


There is a spiritual aspect to sexual sin that is always overlooked, due to one wanting to please the flesh. Sexual sin is more dangerous than any STD combined, this is the real STD. There is not a condom in the world that could prevent SEXUAL

TRANSMITTED DEMONS. When you have sex with someone, you exchange/obtain whatever spirits they have or are battling with. You take on their qualities, behaviors, ideology ... why do you think God wanted us to wait until marriage?? Why did God say "when you get married you are one now" ??? And why do you think God said our bodies are a temple? Please, be very mindful of your choices. It will effect you now or in the future. You don't know what someone is depositing in your body that will affect your spirit. Spiritually in God's eye, when you have sex with someone, you are now connected/married to that person or persons. Let alone if you are sleeping with multiple individuals then you are depositing their inner demons with your spirit and vice versa. Spirits are real and so are demons.If you are not yet married stop sleeping around and if you are married stop ADULTERY 

scriptures on sexual immorality- Acts 15:29, 1 Corinthians 5 1-5, Galatians 5:19, Ephesians 4:19, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-7, Revelation 2:14-16

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