Our Simple Journey of Faith, Family and Life

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Miley Cirus

Much has been said about the very "mis-guided" Miley Cirus. We  (Ron and I) learned about this from non other then FaceBook the morning after... This is one of the reasons we watch little or no TV. We'd rather put old movies on or spend the evening reading then to be subjected to watching trash...

When her Dad (Billy Ray) was questioned from ET, he said  loved her and was looking forward to her coming home for a visit and that he would love her  always. Never did he say he was disappointed in her behavior.

So she is reaching for attention anyway  from anyone who will acknowledge her. Begging to be loved, acknowledged etc.

Instead of bashing this young lady, we as Christians should be praying for her that God would send a positive role influence into her life and guide her into living and acting in a wholesome manor.

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